D8 Green Bridge Forum
The D8 Green Bridge forum is an active forum that values and supports the access to and development of quality public green and blue spaces, in order to progress connectivity and community well-being across the area.
D8 Green Bridge forum projects include improving access amenities and environmental initiatives to the Grand Canal Tow Path, the development of social and cultural initiatives in Turvey Park and its development as a quality greenspace with biodiversity and the development of public green space across Dublin 8 including public housing at Emmet Road and Dolphin House. The forum is also researching and monitoring DCC’s and Waterways Ireland’s key green and blue developments for the area.
The D8 Green Bridge forum, previously called the Greening Forum, emerged out of the recommendations of Mapping Green Dublin (2019 – 2021) a collaborative action research project led by UCD’s School of Geography in collaboration with Common Ground and artist Seoidín O’Sullivan.