Her art practice the last few years before taking up residency in studio 468 had taken the form of a participatory art project ‘Travels Into Several Remote Corners Of Dublin’ (2011-13) which involved her collaboration with Irish and migrant women in Dublin 8. The women with many different cultural, economic and educational experiences came from Dublin, rural Ireland, The Lebanon, Syria/Palestine, Colombia, France, Uganda, Sri Lanka, India, China and Korea. The discoveries from their collaborations were showcased in the ‘Museum Of The Re-Found’ (June 2013) funded through the Arts Council’s ‘Artist in the Community Scheme’.

In studio 468 Laragh continued to work with this group and introduced Irish women from Rialto into the group’s process and its ‘City Explorers’ Club’ form. On Culture Night Laragh Pittman hosted ‘The Culture Wall’ a response by 25 women from migrant and Irish women.