The group explored young people’s issues, feelings, and personal experiences of public space within Dolphin House flats complex Rialto. The recent focus of the group has been on their own participation and consultation in the design of outdoor, public space in Dolphin House. Through this process the group aimed to capture and represent the voice of young people and to create public art reflecting their experiences.

EYE public sought to capture the critical voice of young people as a part of the re-design of public space in Dolphin House flats complex Rialto.  During their residency they cultivated new ideas through, research; the production of work & inviting a public response to that work and the future impacts of their ideas and response to public space.

They devised and explored pop-up events, public blackboards, text installations, and/or street furniture and gathering spaces. On Culture Night EYE public opened up their residency and invited the public to respond to their installation and continued to host research events as a part of their residency period.

Aileen Balfe is a multidisciplinary artist-designer with a particular interest in collaborative practice which is dialogue and process based and exploring how public space can be activated and used creatively by people. Aileen holds a BA in Interior & Furniture Design and a postgraduate diploma in Community Arts Education from NCAD.